Recently, a rather strange subreddit started trending on reddit.
Take a look. You’ll find things like this.
Walking Shenanigans: How not to walk.
So what is Google Maps Shenanigans all about?
You know how Google Maps strives to make the world easier to navigate by immersing you in the location you want to be in? This is not that.
Errant Google Streetview drivers beware: the cameras are catching your speeding shenanigans.
I mean, it’s not like Google’s own shenanigans don’t get caught.
Toronto police pulled over a Google Street View car, and it was captured on Google Street View
Ever get the feeling you know probably know some of these people?
Google Maps shenanigans sometimes do a better job of depicting the local ambiance. Case in point: Edinburgh.
Ever wondered what it’s like being a Google Streetview driver or cameraman?
At least it helps us gather insightful information and get a greater sense of the spirit of the community.
Do something weird the next time you see a Google Streetview car.
Check out the /r/googlemapsshenanigans subreddit for more.